Key aspects of citrus fruit farming in South Africa

Citrus fruit farming in South Africa is a vital and thriving agricultural sector. It plays a significant role in the country’s economy and is renowned for its high-quality produce and global export dominance. Here are some key aspects of citrus fruit farming in South Africa:

Diverse citrus varieties
South Africa cultivates a wide range of citrus fruits, including oranges, mandarins (naartjies), lemons, limes, grapefruits, and soft citrus varieties like clementines and satsumas. Each citrus type is grown in specific regions based on their climatic requirements.

Favourable growing conditions

The country’s diverse microclimates and mild, subtropical to Mediterranean climates provide favourable conditions for citrus production. Different regions offer distinct temperature and rainfall patterns, allowing for year-round citrus cultivation.

Major growing regions

The key citrus-growing regions in South Africa include the Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Eastern Cape, and Western Cape provinces. Each region specialises in specific citrus types based on their unique climatic conditions.

Export-oriented industry

The South African citrus industry heavily relies on exports to international markets. The quality of South African citrus fruits and adherence to international food safety standards have contributed to its global market competitiveness.

Harvesting seasons

Different citrus varieties have different harvest times in South Africa. For example, navel oranges are typically harvested between April and September, while Valencia oranges are picked from August to October.

  1. Employment and social impact: Citrus farming provides employment to a substantial number of people, including farmworkers, packhouse employees, and others involved in the supply chain. The industry has a significant social and economic impact, especially in rural communities.
  2. Pest and disease management: Citrus farmers in South Africa employ Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices to manage pests and diseases sustainably. IPM involves using a combination of biological, cultural, and chemical control methods to minimise the impact on the environment and human health.
  3. Research and innovation: The citrus industry invests in research and innovation to improve production techniques, develop new citrus varieties, enhance post-harvest handling, and address challenges such as citrus pests and diseases.
  4. Citrus Black Spot Protocol: As an export-oriented industry, South Africa adheres to strict phytosanitary protocols, such as the Citrus Black Spot (CBS) protocol, to ensure compliance with international trade standards and maintain access to export markets.


In conclusion, citrus fruit farming in South Africa has emerged as a vital sector within the country’s agricultural landscape, contributing significantly to its economy and international trade. The success of this industry can be attributed to various factors, and one key contributor is the implementation of advanced agricultural technologies. Among these, PlusNet shade net technology stands out as a critical innovation that has played a pivotal role in the industry’s growth.

By providing a controlled environment that mitigates harsh climatic conditions, reduces pest pressures, and optimises crop yield and quality, PlusNet shade nets have revolutionised citrus farming practices. This technology not only ensures a consistent and reliable citrus crop production but also fosters sustainable agricultural practices. As the demand for high-quality citrus products continues to rise globally, the integration of PlusNet shade net systems into South African citrus farms demonstrates the industry’s commitment to innovation and adaptation, ultimately securing a prosperous future for both the farmers and the nation.

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